Wellness - Sauna
Sauna is a natural and relaxing way to cleanse, rejuvenate the body and raise the spirit. The body detox is done with the ejection of harmful substances through the skin. It also helps killing the bacteria and viruses, and has a positive effect on a variety of respiratory diseases. During the sauna blood flow to the skin is increased, which increases the production of collagen and the skin becomes more supple and with clearer complexion.
The sauna has a positive effect on the emotional and mental state of the body. Soothing and relaxing and helps to overcome stress and fatigue. Use of the sauna before the massage increases the effect of massage, because the elasticity of muscles is greater. For maximum benefit from the sauna is recommended to consume water.
Usage of this activity is not recommended for people with high blood pressure and heart disease, pregnant women, young children and elderly people, with high temperature, varicose veins and open wounds. The sauna is used at least one hour after eating. Not recommended after the use of alcohol and coffee.